Author: Steven Niedzielski
Yikes! I need more help!
We’ve all been there… that moment when you realize you need to bring in help in order to get a video project completed on time. Whether it’s extra editors, a colorist, motion graphics artist, or you suddenly noticed a coffee cup in the background of your period drama that needs to be rotoscoped out. This can be a huge challenge. Video projects require not only people with specialized skills but entail massive amounts of data. Getting help to complete your project requires connecting those two things, more talent and ample storage. But what are your options?
- Fly the person to the media assets?
- Ship a hard drive to the person?
- Upload your media to a cloud service so the remote artist can download?
- Provide VPN access to the remote user so they can download the files?
When you’re on a deadline, none of these options are great. They all consume hours if not days of your production schedule, as well as introduce version control headaches and security concerns. If only there was a better way…
Introducing cloud-native editing:
Imagine this… all of the media and project files for your huge video project are accessible to everyone on the team, all the time, in real-time, regardless of their geographical location. LucidLink makes all this possible, and changes everything.
Let’s take a look at the situation described above, but this time from the perspective of a team using LucidLink Filespaces for their project. You simply call the remote collaborator and tell them to download the lightweight LucidLink client application. This takes a couple of minutes. Then you create a username and password for the remote collaborator and share them. The remote user logs in, and within seconds they have access to the project and its media. And by access, I don’t mean the ability to download. LucidLink provides the remote user with the ability to open the media and project files directly. They can open project files without copying them, drag video clips right into a timeline and edit them. It’s full access to everything immediately. Your remote collaborator can be finished with the work you assigned them faster than it normally would have taken to even receive the assets.
While this may seem impossible, it is exactly what LucidLink is designed to do. Our proprietary technology allows users to connect to a single source of truth in the cloud and collaborate with each other in real-time from anywhere in the world with an internet connection … all in a highly secure manner. This is a revolution that makes the impossible, possible. For instance, instead of your local editors having to finish their work before locking it and sending off for color, you can have the remote colorist start their work in parallel with the editorial. Local and remote artists work simultaneously thereby shaving weeks from the post-production schedule and enabling greater levels of communication and collaboration which result in a better end product.
Try it yourself for free today.